
Creating a goals feature to position Bristle as a long term partner in oral health.

How can we prevent users from dropping off after they receive their first test breakdown?

See Bristle: Daily Routine for more research!

Bristle saw around 60% of their users dropping off after two months, coinciding with when users would receive their test results and review with their health coach. Bristle needed a way to encourage users to continue to retest after implementing their health plan and keep checking in on their progress.


Users need to see Bristle as more than a one-time test— Bristle is a partner in their long term oral healthcare journey.


Give users overarching health goals and divide them into phases with actionable recommendations.


Decreased drop offs and increased long term users.

The solution

Solution 01:
Add primary and secondary goals

Working with health coach Iman and referencing the long form care plans, we identified 12 goal tracks for users. Each user was given a primary and secondary goal following their test results and coaching call.

Solution 02:
Break goals down into manageable and actionable phases

Each goal was broken down into phases that built upon each other. Users mark phases as complete once finished, and are moved onto the next phase in their goal.